OH! We have a WINNER!! And she says she has never won anything in her LIFE!!
It is Audrey Maschue of Loxahatchie, Florida! Funny that it would be in my own state. She chose the stallion "Temptation".
On the spur of the moment, I decided I wanted to do a runner up, so we drew a second name! That is Bonne Vining of Benton City, Wa. She said she was "jumping up and down" with excitement on winning a dose of "Vitalis".
I wish I could give a present to every single person who entered, and so... if ANY of you who entered the contest decide to order frozen semen this season, I will waive my handling fee AND discount the doses by 5% of any of the stallions that I had listed. It was fun for me, and made this birthday one I will remember. THANKS TO ALL OF YOU who took the time to enter. And thank you to DressageDaily ; Mary Phelps and Liz Ruggiero.
I am feeling very lighthearted and happy now. Kind of like I DID have a birthday party. All the best, Judy
Chagall - 2007 KWPN and Oldenburg (Jazz - DeNiro - Romancier) |
2014 marks the 40th foal crop Anniversary of Yancey
Farms! This is my 40th year of having baby warmbloods without
interruption , so I think it
is something to celebrate! and my first warmblood foal was born near
my birthday 40 years ago so, hence the fun of the "Birthday Celebration
Please see the requirements of the drawing below:
To Enter -
- There is only ONE entry per person.
- To be eligible - send an email to liz@horsesdaily.com - the subject line MUST read "Judy's Birthday Celebration Give Away"
and then place the stallions name that you are entering the contest to
win one dose of semen. In the body of the email please provide Full
Name, Address, Phone Number and Email as winner will be notified via
email/phone on April 24, 2014.
- Eligible entries will be accepted until NOON on April 24, 2014. Entries after NOON will not be accepted in the drawing.
- The contest is for ONE person to win ONE free dose of the winner's
choice from the provided list of stallions in this promotion. No other
offer is included in this drawing.
- The winner will receive the dose at no cost but will be responsible
for the roundtrip expense of shipping of Yancey Farm's vapor shipper.
- Judy's gift includes the use of her shipper and normal “handling fee”, etc. (that is a value of $75)
Check out the list of eligible stallions below and Good Luck!
Ampere - KWPN and German Oldenburg (Rousseau - Flemmingh - Amor - Farn) |
WIN a FREE dose of Frozen Semen of your choice of the following stallions:
Billy King
Clinton II
Dark President
Don Romantic