This is my new little heartsong........ by HOHENSTEIN out of FINALE by Furst Heinrich who was out of my dear REINA H by Rubinstein, who was out of my foundation Trakehner mare, HELENA "E" by Herbststurm. I thought it would be wonderful to get a filly, to come full circle back to my Trakehner roots. All year long we waited for a COLT to come, but when she started bagging up early, my hopes were renewed! I thought "Surely the SUPER MOON would bring a filly!" And so she did! At 1:49 a.m. out came this wonderful black all over filly.........
A breeder's dream .... well, for sure THIS breeder's dream! 34 years from beginning with HELENA to seeing her great grand daughter born, still so much in her image.