Schockemoehle's http://schockemoehle.com/eng/service-station-stud/breeding-stallions/stallion-overview/
Bockmann's http://www.boeckmann-pferde.com/en/stallions-breeding/stallions/index.html

Medingen http://klosterhof-medingen.de/deutsch/hengste/index.html
Hanoverian State Stud Celle http://landgestuetcelle.de/en/breeding/stallions/index.html
Sprehe http://www.gestuet-sprehe.de/de/deckhengste/
I choose the stallions from each location that I particularly want to have in stock, however ANY stallion that IS AVAILABLE TO THE U.S. via frozen semen, I am happy to add to the shipment. All you need to do is CONTACT me judy@yancey-farms.com 1 800 867-7021 and we will make sure the stallion you want is available and I will add it to the permit request and bring them in. Please be aware that not all stallions listed on the German sites are available for U.S. import.
With Schockemoehle's and Celle and Sprehe there are SO many stallions available, and SO many jumper stallions available....so if you want one that I have not chosen, then just speak up and I will get it done. Check through my stallion pages first to see what will be coming.
Wishing all of us a better and happier breeding season than last.... I am still reeling from the failures!
Merry Christmas too!!!
PS..... To make sure you read to the end of my post, this also serves as POP UP SALE for Holiday shoppers! Selected stallions in current inventory are 10% OFF and NO HANDLING charge!! (The sales price will show up on the checkout cart, and a coupon will be provided to deduct the $75 handling fee!) What more can I give you for Christmas?? The website has been informed of the sale (!) and the shopping cart should function just fine.